Tag Archives: Whats in my fridge


12 Nov

The prompt for today is: Name five things inside your refrigerator right now and how you feel about them.

Since we recently moved into a home where my sister, sister-in-law and nephew live we decided to get a mini fridge for our area of the house. We do keep groceries in the main fridge but for smaller things like beverages and snacks we keep them in our fridge just for easy access.

1. Bottled water – how do I feel about that? I feel like…sometimes we get thirsty or have friends over and want to offer a drink without having to run downstairs for water.

2. Almond milk – I feel that almond milk is a great addition to my morning cereal. It tastes good, does not contain ch0lesteral and is full of protein.

3. Apple juice – I feel like sometimes we don’t want to just drink water so we picked up some apple juice…no real strong feelings about apple juice…

4. Greek Yogurt – I started eating Greek yogurt this year and like mixing granola in it for breakfast or snack sometimes.

5. Bananas – These are awesome snacks and great to eat for breakfast before we head out on our commute.

Want to know how I really feel? I feel like this was a silly prompt. I don’t have particularly strong feelings about what lives in my fridge. I guess other people might “feel” a certain way about food but the only way I feel about it is that it’s awesome, provides fuel for my body and nutrients. Kind of need it to live. So yeah…

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